The School Day

School Start & Finish

Morning - Drop off for all year groups is at the playground gate or Drop & Go area. The school gates open at 8.40am and close at 8.50am.  Staff will be on the school gate to greet children every morning.  Please note parents on not permitted on the playground during the morning drop off.  Staff will escort children from the gate.

The school day will start at 8.45am.

Registration is from 8.45am until 8.55am. Children arriving after this time will be marked as late. 

Afternoon - The school gate will open at 3.05pm and close at 3.25pm.  Parents/carers should wait on the playground and once collected children and parents/carers will leave  back through the playground gate. 

The school day will end at 3.15pm.

Please note all children must be collected on the playground and not at the office. 

Dogs are not allowed on the school grounds.  If you have your dog with you, please ask Mr Potter to radio through for your child to meet you outside the gate.

Reception children will be collected via the side gate.  This is near the hall emergency exit.

Bikes and scooters must not be used on the playground.


if your child is ill, please inform the office as soon as possible.  We need to know why your child isn't in school so we can use the correct code in the register. If we do not hear from you we will contact you to find out why your child is not in school. If we cannot make contact, we may carry out a welfare home visit.


We have our whole school celebration assembly on a Monday afternoon where we celebrate weekly achievements.  We love celebrating achievements out of school too so your child can bring trophies and medals in on a Monday.

We also have assemblies on a Tuesday morning for KS2 and Thursdaymorning for KS1.  During these assemblies we focus on British Values, religious fesitvals and have time to reflect on key issues in our locality, in our country and around the world.  All classes have reflection and collective worship time too. Each month we focus on a value.

In class collective worship and reflection

During these sessions we continue to discover the world around us. We learn about protected charateristics and  develop respect for other people's beliefs, feelings and faiths. These sessions encourage exploration, discussion, challenge and inspire children to learn!

Lunchtime and Breaks

Lunch times and break times use all playgrounds to provide children with lots of space to play.
There is a morning break for all classes and then a break session during lunchtime too.  We do not have an afternoon break. 

Lunches are eaten in the hall for all classes.  Classes have set times so they can enjoy their lunch with their friends.  The first sitting at 11.50am is for Reception children.  Other classes then follow.


Learning starts as soon as children arrive at school.  All classes complete morning activities to consolidate and support learning.

Most classes cover English, reading/phonics, maths, spelling and handwriting every morning.  Teachers work hard to ensure learning is fun and all children achieve success in their lessons.  It is important that your child arrives on time so they do not miss any learning.

Gorsewood Primary School

Gorsewood Road, Murdishaw, Runcorn, WA7 6ES