PSHE/RSE - Every Child A Curious Learner


Every Child A Curious Learner 



In Gorsewood Primary School, we value the importance of a high quality PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and RSE  (Relationships and Sex Education) and strive to spark children’s curiosity about themselves and others in the world that we live in.  We strive to inspire pupils to take an interest in and show an appreciation of all. 

Our PSHE and RSE curriculum is well planned and takes full advantage of the rich breadth of our locality.

We aim to ensure that all pupils benefit from an exciting, rich, broad, balanced, and differentiated curriculum that is matched appropriately to their ages, abilities and aptitudes. Our well-planned curriculum ensures the progressive, chronological development, knowledge and skills; and for the pupils to develop a love for the world that we live in. 



In Gorsewood Primary School, we use the PSHE Association scheme of work as the basis for our planning. This scheme combines the PSHE and RSE Curriculum.  

We have adopted a thematic based approach, using key headings to allow children to explore topics from different perspectives. PSHE and RSE are taught one lesson every week. There is a whole school long term curriculum plan and a skill progression document.  To ensure we provide children with a broad knowledge of PSHE and RSE, the long term overview enables a range of topics to be taught. 

Each unit has clear end points to keep outcomes focussed and allow for learning to be adapted to challenge and support as needed.  Knowledge organisers and overviews  are used to ensure children understand where the unit fits into the world we live in.  Key vocabulary for each unit is also taught in lessons, to enrich language. Teachers employ a range of teaching strategies in lessons and where possible learning is enriched through the use of visitors, visits and resources.  

As a school,we keep PSHE and RSE high profile. Assemblies and collective worship opportunities enable teachers to further discuss objectives, in real-life contexts. We also focus on different values in a whole school approach. Our behaviour systems and recent ‘Happy at School’ project allow children to continually reflect on their personal and social health. 

PSHE and RSE naturally provides many opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural  (SMSC) development. Teachers plan these into lessons and encourage children to question and reflect.

Additional offer in Gorsewood

In addition to PSHE and RSE lessons taught in class, the nurture team provides personalised nurture sessions for children who would benefit from this intervention. The Family Support Worker works in collaboration with the nurture team to tailor provision for individuals who need further support outside the classroom. ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant) sessions are also provided for the children in Gorsewood who need extra support. 



All pupils will have a secure knowledge of PSHE and RSE concepts, facts, skills and practices. Pupils will also have a firm understanding of differences. Children will be taught the value of acceptance and respect in the world that we live in and that even if beliefs are different to another, acknowledgement and acceptance of this is key to lifelong success. Pupils will be curious and be armed with the resilience and problem solving skills to investigate further key questions as they move onto their next learning journey.


Gorsewood Primary School

Gorsewood Road, Murdishaw, Runcorn, WA7 6ES