Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mrs Simmons



   Staff: Mrs Simmons and Mr Weldon

Welcome to Year 5.   In Year 5, your teachers will help you to be your best self and we will share our learning journey on our class page. 

What will we be learning in the Spring Term?

In our English lessons, we will be following the Literacy Tree Scheme. We will be focusing on Shakespeare, making links between our reading and drama lessons before we finish with a day at Norton Priory performing Romeo and Juliet. In our English lessons we will be looking at The Tempest with lots of opportunities for writing before moving on to the Lizzie and Belle Mysteries in which we will become familiar with Othello.  Every week we will have an additional writing lesson where we can demonstrate our developing skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar.  We will have spelling lessons in school and I will ask that you learn them as part of your homework.  You can follow the links below to make sure you can spell the words on both lists. It is important that we try our best to spell as many of these words as we can. 

Year 3/4 spellings     Year 5/6 spellings


In our Reading lessons, we will use high quality texts to develop our reading skills in fluency, vocabulary and comprehension by using VIPERS. Reading is very important to us all and this year I would like you to read your reading book at home daily. Reading records and reading books should be returned to school everyday and we expect you to read at least 3 times a week. House points will be given to those that are reading regularly.  In class, we will read many novels which you will vote for. You have voted for Time Travelling with a Hamster by Ross Welford as our novel for the spring term. 

vipers new.jpg 

In Maths, we will follow the mastery approach of the Maths No Problem! Scheme of Work. As mathematicians, we will master our knowledge of fractions before moving on to decimals and percentages. 

Knowing our multiplication and division facts are very important in Year 5; so, please log in to TT Rockstars often.  We will have competitions and you could see your name on our celebration board in the wet area.    You can use the following link to access TTRS.

As scientists we will explore propeties of materials as well as changes in materials.  You might already have an interest in these topics and I would love to hear what you already know and what you might like to learn about.

As geographers, we will learn about Earthquakes and Volcanoes, which I know lots of you are excited for!  We will develop our skills in using maps and atlas' to locate key places and ther environmental regions.  We will explore human and physical characteristics  and use technical vocabulary to describe them.

We  will have two PE sessions each week on a Monday and Thursday. On a Monday you will be getting active outside with sessons in ultimate firsbee, and on a Thursday we will be doing badminton in the hall. Please make sure you come to school in your PE kits on Thursdays and Fridays and that you follow the school's uniform policy for kits. 

We also have weekly French, RE, Drama, Music and PSHE and RSE lessons. Some of these lessons will be taught by specialist teachers.  

Homework will be set on Google Classroom on a Friday. New spellings will go home on a Monday and will be tested on a Friday. 

As we begin our Upper Key Stage 2 phase of learning, we will expect that Year 5 pupils are a role model to our younger pupils; this year you will have more responsibilities and you will be buddies to our pupils in Reception.  This is a very important role and I expect that you will try your best and follow or Bee Behaviour rules at all times.  

I know that we will continue to have a wonderful year filled with fun, laughter and learning. 

We will share our days using our class page, Twitter and Marvellousme so please make sure that you have access to these platforms.  I am very excited to be working with you all. Please come and chat with me when you see me around school or in the playground. If you have any queries or concerns, please pop into the office between 8:30 and 8:45 or call the office to request a callback.  

What will we be learning in Spring Term?

In English we will exploring more writing genres such as poetry, persuasive writing, short stories and biographies.  We are taking part in the Shakespeare festival and children in Year 5 will study the works of Shakespeare through Macbeth.  Children will develop reading and writing skills using this text. In March, children will perform a scene from Macbeth to other schools at Norton Priory. 

Our maths learning will focus on fractions, decimals and percentages and children will develop their mathematical and reasoning skills through this topic.  Year 5 will also study geometry and learn about polygons and angles. 

As scientists pupils in Year 5 will explore the properties of materials and changes of materials.  They will conduct fair tests, pattern seek, develop predictions and conclusions and plot and interpret data on a range of graphs. 

As Geographers, children will develop an understanding of Volcanoes and Earthquakes by exploring their formation, locating them around the world and learning about the impact of them in society. 

As historians we will travel back to the Benin Kingdom and explore one of the oldest states in West Africa. Children will explore its heritage and examine how Benin became absorbed into the British Empire. 

PE will focus on Gymnastics, basketball, tag rugby and badminton. Please make sure that children wear their PE kits and remove all jewellry on PE days. 

As artists, children will explore their design skills through drawing, painting and craft.  Children will also work on the HPAN project and their work will be dislayed in Halton Lea shopping centre over February half term. 

In DT pupils will begin by designing a microbit holder and understanding what monitoring devices are. Later in the term, they will learn about food and nutrition before creating some delicious healthy menus and meals.

In Re we will continue with our enquiry question: Where can we find guidance on how to live our lives? Children will learn about Christanity and the belief of Jesus and miracles. They will also study the beliefs of Hinu Dharma and explore how the Krishna stories guide followers. 

In PSHE/RSE children will explore what it means to be a part of a community and how we should protect our environment. They will explore ways to keep themselves safe online and how information is targetted online. Children will also consider their aspirations and understand how to budget money and save sensibly. 

In French, children will learn about food in french and develop their speaking and listening skills and reading and writing skills using the focus language. 





Gorsewood Primary School

Gorsewood Road, Murdishaw, Runcorn, WA7 6ES