Ebony’s Plastic Blog

Date: 26th Jan 2019 @ 5:00pm

 Plastic, Pollution! And how to fix it
Hi there, have you heard of the different types of plastic? If not, I’ll tell you: there is single-use, which can only be used once like water bottles from the co-op; there is limited -use where you can use it for a while, but eventually will have to recycle it like a bag 4 life; and last, but not least, there is extended-use that we can use for a really long time like shoes and furniture. Although plastic is bad and quite dangerous for the environment, we can’t live without it, and if we didn't have it, life would be very uncomfortable. Imagine what we would do without printers or computers or even T.Vs!
Plastic is really harming our environment though. The making of plastic causes lots of harmful gases which pollute the air - 92 percent of the world breathes in polluted air! The real problem with plastic is when it gets into the oceans. Eight million tonnes of plastic is dumped into the ocean every single minute! This means that marine life is in extreme danger as their habitats are getting ruined. Some sea turtles mistake plastic carrier bags for jelly fish and eat them so then they begin to get poisoned by the plastic inside their stomach. This problem is just going to get worse and worse: most plastics take thousands of years to break down.
In year six, we have been learning about plastic and what it does to us (that's why we are writing this blog).This blog is to inform you how dangerous plastic can be as it really can be a dangerous thing! Although, it can be really helpful because where would we be without plastic? Your answer to that should be nowhere right? I hope it is? In Year six, we have been working very hard on this topic so we could help others know how the interest plastic is but also how helpful it can be.
This paragraph is all about how we can change our ways to be single-plastic free. Ways we can change is that we should not use plastic bags or single-use water bottles from the Co-op. If you would like to make a difference (which you should) all you need to do is barely anything. You just have to cut down on single-use plastics so help us to make a difference. This blog is to make you make a difference so don't let us down, don't let this go to waste.
In conclusion, just make sure you know what decision your going to make next time you use plastic? To whoever reads this thank you for using your time and I hope we got the message across.

Gorsewood Primary School

Gorsewood Road, Murdishaw, Runcorn, WA7 6ES